"जीवन बचाओ मुहिम"

हत्यारा और मांसाहार नहीं बल्कि जीवों की रक्षा करने वाला बनो।

शनिवार, जुलाई 15, 2023

What is the specialty of the book Angutha Chhap Lekhak "अँगूठाछाप लेखक" ?

What is the specialty of the book "Angutha Chhap Lekhak" ?

Angutha Chhap Lekhak - "Abodh Vicharak ke Baisurha Darshan" is a book based on unsuccessful social awareness. Angutha Chhap Lekhak "अँगूठाछाप लेखक" is neither an autobiography, nor a novel, nor a monologue, nor a story. In fact it is not even a philosophy. Rather, it is a book inspired by all types of literary structures and beyond the criteria of literature. Undoubtedly, there will be millions of books, books, literature, philosophy and religious books better than this book in the whole world, which would be many times better and accurate guidance than this, but this book presents a new audiology and scientific thinking.

No matter why this book marks and proves the failure and immaturity of the author. Even if the author has failed in trying to impose his thoughts and philosophy on the society. Nevertheless, through this book, the author forces you to think according to Navdarshan and for intellectual development with hundreds of questions. This book also disappoints you with lots of questions and incomplete explanations in the name of a wonderful new audiology. If you yourself are not able to reason according to the principle of natural justice, are not able to find your answer, reading Angutha Chhap Lekhak "अँगूठाछाप लेखक" will cause you uneasiness. You will not get any special education or information from this book. If you are inspired by any prejudice or blind slave of any ideology, then you should not read this book at all. You may be inspired to commit violence against the author. Because the acts which you have been considering as your glorious tradition and culture, the author will try to argue with new scientific thinking citing constitutional duties on the same acts. Then you can have two options, the first one is to get free from blind slavery on the strength of your intelligence and logic and the second one is to continue blindly following the same ideology no matter how wrong it is. You will not use the Right to Question and Speaking even after knowing the injustice, but will keep on tolerating it.

Angutha Chhap Lekhak "अँगूठाछाप लेखक" is an attempt to develop scientific thinking on the evils going on in the name of personal, social and religious belief and glorious tradition going on in the present environment. This book is published not error-free but error-full. Basically, the error and freedom present in this book are its original elements. Originally written in Hindi language, English and Chhattisgarhi words, sentences and proverbs have been used in this book. This book can inspire Hindi speaking people to learn and speak Chhattisgarhi. In this, such words will also be found which may not be in any dictionary. With self-criticism and derogatory remarks, the author has given a hidden message. This book not only inspires the readers for social, religious and spiritual thinking, but also attacks hard on the mindset of being an intellectual or being more educated to write literature. The author also questions historical books through this book.

Who is the author of the book "Angutha Chhap Lekhak"?
Mr. Huleshwar Prasad Joshi is the author of the book "Angutha Chhap Lekhak".

From which publication will the book Angutha Chhap Lekhak be published?

1 टिप्पणी:

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Important Notice :

यह वेबसाइट /ब्लॉग भारतीय संविधान की अनुच्छेद १९ (१) क - अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी के तहत सोशल मीडिया के रूप में तैयार की गयी है।
यह वेबसाईड एक ब्लाॅग है, इसे समाचार आधारित वेबपोर्टल न समझें।
इस ब्लाॅग में कोई भी लेखक/कवि/व्यक्ति अपनी मौलिक रचना और किताब निःशुल्क प्रकाशित करवा सकता है। इस ब्लाॅग के माध्यम से हम शैक्षणिक, समाजिक और धार्मिक जागरूकता लाने तथा वैज्ञानिक सोच विकसित करने के लिए प्रयासरत् हैं। लेखनीय और संपादकीय त्रूटियों के लिए मै क्षमाप्रार्थी हूं। - श्रीमती विधि हुलेश्वर जोशी

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